Building Trust And Ceding Control: The Lessons Preparing Me For My Third Brain Tumor Operation In…This week I’ll be undergoing round three of brain surgery. I probably shouldn’t feel as casual as I do about the impending removal of…Mar 23, 20211764Mar 23, 20211764
What Two Brain Tumors Have Taught Me About the Future of CareMay marks an important time in my life: It’s Brain Tumor Awareness Month. I’ve always been very open and willing to talk about my two…May 1, 2020142May 1, 2020142
The New Gap Year? Why the Class of 2020 Needs a Marketing MakeoverI’ve been known to have opinions — plenty of them. But when my 21-year-old niece — a graduating senior from Ithaca College who is spending…Apr 20, 202078Apr 20, 202078
With The Right Leadership, We Can Make This Our Finest HourWe all know that times of crisis bring out the best — and worst — in humanity, and we’ve certainly witnessed how people are stepping up to…Apr 15, 2020541Apr 15, 2020541
COVID-19 Be Damned: Rituals and Traditions Will Not Be DeniedI don’t really relate to either Passover or Easter, but I find myself thinking of how family and friends will adapt to celebrating the…Apr 7, 202076Apr 7, 202076
COVID-19 Might Just Lead to a New Generation of Social GoodnessThe many spontaneous and useful acts of kindness we are seeing as the COVID-19 pandemic continues its spread have been well documented…Apr 2, 202041Apr 2, 202041
Balancing Work from WhereverAs I self-isolate after having returned to the U.S. from Switzerland more than a week ago, I’m reminded that it doesn’t matter where we…Mar 31, 202038Mar 31, 202038
Danger: Viral Judging Up AheadIt’s hard to say what makes something surreal finally register as real for people. Consumers are expert at tuning out any noise they don’t…Mar 20, 202056Mar 20, 202056
Is It Time To Ditch Last-Century Career Paths?In case you missed the memo, March is Women’s History Month. A special month to pay special tribute to, you know, that pesky special…Mar 10, 202041Mar 10, 202041
What Mountaineers Can Teach MarketersHow many of us begin the week feeling like we have an unscalable mountain to climb? But do we ever stop to appreciate how far we’ve come…Oct 28, 201921Oct 28, 201921
The ‘Domino’s Effect’: How Netflix Disrupted More Than Just TheatersThe biggest innovations can have more impact than their inventors ever dreamed. I think we can be reasonably certain that Johannes…Oct 13, 2019Oct 13, 2019
The Acceleration Illusion: Why We Should Pull Ourselves Out of the VortexTime is created by change. Think about it: If you don’t have change, time slows to a crawl; if everything’s changing, time flies. It’s so…Aug 12, 20196Aug 12, 20196
We Are Figuring Out What’s Enough in the Age of Too MuchBack in 2003, I was looking for a new moniker that would conjure up an emerging type of cut-above masculinity. A contrast with…Aug 2, 2019Aug 2, 2019
Why buzzwords are bad bizmeth*Nothing is more invigorating than to have one’s mind changed. Louisa May Alcott said as much when she wrote, “I like good strong words…Jul 17, 201955Jul 17, 201955
You Can’t Spell ‘Socialism’ Without ‘Social’In music, clothes and ideas, fashions come, go and disappear. But wait long enough and eventually they come back around again. Most of us…Apr 30, 2019Apr 30, 2019
I’ve been trying to get my head around fake news.From the dim and distant beginnings of Google Trends in 2004 up to October 2016, fake news barely registered as a search term. Then, in…Apr 1, 20191Apr 1, 20191
Podcasts Are The Medium, What’s The Message?Reading has always been my thing. I’m a self-confessed information junkie and wildly indiscriminate in what I read. Brain-busting…Mar 20, 2019351Mar 20, 2019351
The Way We Were: Iconic Women In The Age Of TVThe visionary poet William Blake believed that we understand our relationship with the world in two ways. One is through the reality we…Feb 26, 2019Feb 26, 2019
Trump Trend: Is Twitter the New Reality TV?Whether you see it as the weaponization of tweets or the modernization of the bully pulpit, there is no denying that Donald Trump’s love…Feb 10, 20172Feb 10, 20172
Agile PR: Smarter Communications in a World on Fast ForwardStop for a moment — I know most of us don’t have much longer than that to spare — and ask yourself: Is there even a single part of your…Jan 24, 20173Jan 24, 20173